Chong Wei Xu
Verizon Communications, USA
Title: Third horizon of unified physics | Electromagnetism, general relativity and gravitation
Biography: Chong Wei Xu
In the spacetime, arising from the second horizon of Macro Densities, electricity and magnetism, represents a duality of manifestations of the indivisible phenomenon of virtual and physical duality. Under the Continuity of Physical Density, the dynamics of electric fields has as its opponent of virtual time dynamics of magnetic fields. Meanwhile, its twin rising from dynamics under Continuity of Virtual Density (or traditionally named as the curvature of spacetime) represents gravitational fields as a natural phenomenon of space-time duality. As a consequence, together, electromagnetic and gravitational fields form and give rise to a macroscopically coherent fabric of our natural fields, exhibited throughout all physical existence: The third Horizon of Unified Fields. In addition, the General Relativity is demonstrated as a part of the generalized derivation of the gravitational fields.