Quantum Mechanics Interpretation
An Interpretation of quantum mechanics is a set of statements which attempt to explain how quantum mechanics informs our understanding of nature. In physics, the locality principle states that an object is only directly influenced by its immediate surroundings. A physical theory is said to be a local theory if it is consistent with the principle of locality. The quantum action is an operator, although it is superficially different from the path integral formulation where the action is a classical function, the modern formulation of the two formalisms are identical. Interpretations of quantum mechanics attempt to provide a conceptual framework for understanding the many aspects of quantum mechanics which are not easily handled by the conceptual framework used for classical physics.
- Quantum physics
- Quantum Phase Transitions in Nuclei
- Quantum Dynamics
Related Conference of Quantum Mechanics Interpretation
14th International Conference on Separation Techniques & Formulation
8th International Conference on Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science
18th International Conference on Optics, Photonics & Laser
Quantum Mechanics Interpretation Conference Speakers
Recommended Sessions
- Heavy-ion-Physics
- : Strings in Quantum Physics
- Atomic and Molecular Astrophysics
- Atomic Physics Conferences | Molecular Physics Conferences
- In Depth of Nuclear Engineering
- In Depth Quantum Mechanics
- Interaction and Maintenance
- Latest Technologies, Innovations and Instruments
- Nuclear Engineering
- Nuclear Medicine Physics
- Quantum Field Theory
- Quantum Mechanics Interpretation
- Quantum Physics Formulation
- Quantum States
- Quantum Transport and Dissipation
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